Quick Post: Celebrity Doll Fix Ups

Every so often a doll comes along and you have to ask, ‘what were they thinking?’ when you look at the way the doll is styled.  The Mattel Grace Kelly Rear Window and Cinderella Lady Tremaine are two such dolls.  Rather than pass them by, I decided to give them a quick and easy make over.

I’m not really a Grace Kelly fan but I love celebrity dolls and this doll is absolutely gorgeous.  However, the hair on mine was atrocious (I ordered it from an overseas dealer, so didn’t get to see it before buying). It looked nothing like Grace Kelly’s hair in Rear Window – and there’s a picture on the box – or in anything else for that matter.  So, it was time for a quick makeover.  Thankfully, it was an easy fix.  I dampened the hair and scraped it back from her head and secured it loosely with a dental band.  Because I hadn’t wet it too much, the gel already in the hair reset and holds the style quite well.  It’s close enough to the style in the movie and the doll looks so much better now.

        Grace Kelly, before and after.  Who thought that original style was a good look?

I love to collect Australian dolls/celebrities, but Cate Blanchett’s hair looked nothing like this doll’s original style in the movie Cinderella. I started by looking for stills from the movie and then set about trying to match them, without having to do too much to the doll.  Once more, I just dampened the hair, then used a dental band, drinking straw and bobby pin curlers to set the hair in a more appropriate style.  Again, the gel already in the hair was enough to hold the set.  It’s not an exact match to the movie, but it’s much, much better than the factory style and much more elegant.  So don’t walk a past a doll that doesn’t look exactly as it should, take the plunge and try restyling.  A doll can be greatly improved with very little effort.

Cinderella Lady Tremaine before and after.  The after is much closer to the style in the movie and much more elegant.

Don’t forget, I’m now on Instagram – @jenjoysworld(and a non-doll photo art account @jenniferbs_world). There’ll be some unique content and behind the scenes stuff, so head over and follow.

(C) Jennifer B – All content is subject to copyright and may not be re-published or reproduced without written permission.